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COVID-19 Deaths Prediction

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Covid-19 is one of the deadliest viruses you’ve ever heard. Mutations in covid-19 make it either more deadly or more infectious. We have seen a lot of deaths from covid-19 while there is a higher wave of cases. We can use historical data on covid-19 cases and deaths to predict the number of deaths in the future.

You are given a dataset of Covid-19 in India from 30 January 2020 to 18 January 2022. The dataset contains information about the daily confirmed cases and deaths. Below are all the columns of the dataset:

  • Date: Contains the date of the record
  • Date_YMD: Contains date in Year-Month-Day Format
  • Daily Confirmed: Contains the daily confirmed cases of Covid-19
  • Daily Deceased: Contains the daily deaths due to Covid-19


You need to use this historical data of covid-19 cases and deaths to predict the number of deaths for the next 30 days.