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In any data journey, you will encounter missing values. These missing values are represented as NULL in SQL. But what exactly is NULL? NULL is used to signify that a value is unknown, absent, or not applicable. It's like a placeholder indicating the absence of data.

  • NULL is not zero.
  • NULL is not an empty string.
  • NULL is simply... NULL!

Let's think of NULL as a mystery box in our data table—it's there, but we don't know what's inside.

Why NULL Matters

Handling NULL values is vital because:

  1. Data Accuracy: Ignoring NULLs can lead to incorrect data analysis.
  2. Query Precision: Knowing how to handle NULLs ensures your queries return accurate results.
  3. Database Integrity: Properly managing NULL values maintains the integrity of your database.

So, whether you're filtering data or performing calculations, understanding NULLs will make your SQL journey smoother and more precise.

Working with NULL Values

In SQL, we can't use standard comparison operators like = or != to test for NULL values. Instead, we use the following operators:

  1. IS NULL

These operators are designed specifically for working with NULL values.


Let's dive into an example to see how IS NOT NULL and IS NULL works in practice.

Filtering Non-NULL Values

Imagine you have a table named movies with various columns, including imdb_rating. To filter out movies that do have an IMDb rating, you would use:

FROM movies
WHERE imdb_rating IS NOT NULL;
Jurassic World
The Avengers
The Dark Knight

This query retrieves the names of all movies with a known IMDb rating.

Filtering NULL Values

Now, let's do the opposite. Let's find all the movies that do not have an IMDb rating. This is where we use the IS NULL operator. Ready? Here we go!

FROM movies
WHERE imdb_rating IS NULL;

This query will return the names of all movies with missing IMDb ratings. It's like shining a spotlight on the data we don't have!

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Dawn of the Dead
Shawn of the Dead
Star Wars: The Last Jedi